Backstory (?) A first draft at least...
Backstory (?)
As I have already described, I’m trying my worst on constructing a world step by step for my army to act in. I realize, there is no actual necessity, yet I feel that I should (at least try) to treat myself and hopefully even others with it. I recently made the acquaintance of a fellow soul not far from me who collects and paints orcs. Not just any, but sculpted in the oldhammer style aesthetic of Kev Adams and Fraser Gray. You should really check out his Instagram account @rosengarten_paints_black for some 80’s Fantasy love. He even sculpts himself. The self painted photography backdrops are wonderfully atmospheric. We now try to encourage each other to keep painting and even spoke about eventually creating a table fitting both our armies basing style. We’ll see where it leads! Right now I’m a loyal follower of the brilliant counter charge Kings of war podcast.
It has been one year of campaigning without any significant conquest or even crucial battle since the Duke of Edam has appointed me to be the chronicler of the great army on our remarkable endeavour to resettle our people to these lands east of the great stream which separates our lands from the unknown marshes and steppes to the east. One year ago the high council of electoral nobles, representing the few domains of the realm of (I don't know), still standing strong against the never ending hordes of the foul creatures, polluting our inherited lands and terrorizing our collective peoples, set us out to our famed journey into the unknown. Out of each of the five great houses, one representative was chosen along with a great host of Bannermen to accompany them. One of them would have to bear the burden to lead the Company into the unknown. Many a company of adventures and even large groups of mercenaries have tried to cross the water into these mysterious lands in search of fame and riches. Maybe some have even made it, yet no one ever came back. The election of the leading general was not an easy task by virtue of the five families traditional and ongoing rivalry. Only after a satisfactory duel between the two most promising leaders, the Dukes of Edam and Gorgonzola, ending only after two hours of constant fighting in the capitals great hall in the duke of Gorgonzolas’ defeat, the leader for the first year of the expedition could be nominated.
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