The randomness of Bits and Bobs
The first problem I always have, while attempting to create an army is having literally anything in a state of work in progress, and keeping it there for too long. Friends could tell you about unfinished yet unfinished projects in the closet. Especially 40K projects! And I do feel bad. I touch everything and work my way down random tasks until I realize, I would have been a lot better off just working on one regiment from start to finish and then repeat, which seems simple enough.What happens is, I touch everything, stay indecisive about a lot of segments like flags, coats of arms, so that everything I bought eventually lays before me just partly done, missing one or two things, which means: I seem to be unable to call anything done, ever. For future hobby endeavors I pledged myself to always first work out the plan and then go to work. Yet time and again I find myself confronted with 100 partially painted figures. Still better than 100 unpainted figures, right? I'm unsure. My level of indecisiveness about colours or basing seems to consistently grow along with the level of progress I make on certain things. I'm always trying to work on everything at once, thinking the army is all done at once when (if) I ever finish. Must either try harder or just relax, because it's just a game. Still serious to some, but still a game. You'll see in the pictures, just what I'm writing about.
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